New python Framework

For Maya Nodes

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The main power of working with nod is that it saves time writing, reading and updating the code. Big time!

Would you rather write:

addNode = mc.createNode('plusMinusAverage', n='control_offset_add')
mc.addAttr(control, k=True, ln='offset")
mc.setAttr(addNode + '.i1[1]',  2)
mc.connectAttr(addNode + '.o1', 'joint_1.tx')
mc.connectAttr(control + .'.offset', addNode + '.i1[0]')

or simply this:

control.offset + 2 >> joint.tx

or even create an attribute, operate on it and connect the setup at once

control.addAttr(ln='offset', k=True) + 2 >> joint.tx

or this:

(control.spin * 2) + control.offset >> joint.rx

rather than this:

mulNode = mc.createNode('multiplyDivide', n='control_spin_mul')
addNode = mc.createNode('plusMinusAverage', n='control_offset_sub')
subNode = mc.createNode('plusMinusAverage', n='control_spin_mul_ox_add')
mc.setAttr(mulNode + '.i2x', 2)
mc.setAttr(addNode + '.op' 2)
mc.setAttr(addNode + '.i1[1]',  10)
mc.connectAttr(control + '.spin', mulNode + '.i1x')
mc.connectAttr(control + '.offset', subNode + '.i1[0]')
mc.connectAttr(mulNode + '.ox', addNode + '.i1[0]')
mc.connectAttr(subNode + '.o1', addNode + '.i1[1]')
mc.connectAttr(addNode + '.o1', joint + '.rx')

How about checking if attributes are connected:

if control.spin in joint.rx:
    print 'Connected'

It gets even better. For More information watch the quick overview below and read the Documentation